Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Super Chunky Cable Scarf


I've been having a lot of fun recently knitting super chunky scarves.  I wanted to do a simple cable pattern but couldn't find one I liked so I wrote up my own.

It's very quick and easy to knit.  The pattern repeat is 6 rows long and you can make the scarf however long you want to.

Instructions are below or you can download a printable PDF version HERE.

Super Chunky Cable Scarf

You will need:

4 x 100g balls of super bulky yarn for a 165cm/65" long scarf

10mm knitting needles

A thick cable needle (or a wooden pencil sharp on both ends)


K              knit
P              purl
C6F         place 3 stitches onto cable needle and hold in front of work, knit next 3 stitches then knit 3 stitches from cable needle.

To make the scarf:
Cast on 18 stitches.
Row 1: K6, P6, K6. Row 2: Knit to end. Row 3: K6, P6, K6. Row 4: Knit to end. Row 5: K6, P6, K6. Row 6: K6, C6F, K6.

These 6 rows form the pattern.  Repeat these 6 rows until the scarf is the desired length.  End after row 3.  Cast off.  Weave in ends.

© Clair Louise Coult.  You may use this pattern to produce items for sale.